Aug 20, 2013

Drawing August on Twitter

You will be pleased to know that I have been making small inroads and positive steps towards my career plan and motivation with art and illustration. In my mind I have a germ of an idea for an illustration project to keep me busy- stay tuned for more details.

I've also been participating in #DrawingAugust & #DrawingAugustOz groups on twitter. A very simple but effective idea- submit a sketch each day during the month under the before mentioned hashtags. This means that each day, regardless of how shitty I feel my work is looking I have a forum and a goal. Not only is this global group providing self motivation in the creative process, but I'm also inspired by the artists who submit their work and experiencing artistic exposure (however casual) as my work is retweeted and favourited again and again. 

Here is what the hashtag #DrawingAugustOz looks like when viewed as a collective. 

My scribbles- most of which have been inspired by my illustration project: 

Aug 6, 2013

I have an Idea

So at a time when I least expected it, I was hit with a creative project idea- at about 2:45am to be exact then again at 4am, then finally at 5:36am I wrote it down. I'm not going to go into it in detail here at the moment because it's still milling about in my head. The really weird thing was that it was the title of a children's book that came to me. Just the title.

Coincidentally on twitter I am participating in #DrawingAugust & #DrawingAugustOz open to anyone, basically we are trying to do at least a sketch or scribble each night and using the hash tag allows us to collate them- its great to see what other people do, other people's art is always so inspiring. So I am using the drawing August hash tag to do some studies of elements from my creative project idea. I've also moved away from trying to complete an animated short film as a project and instead have thought about illustration as a means of show casing my skills. Stay tuned. Here are some sketches so far that may give you some hints as to the content of my project:

Digital Sketch

Ballpoint Pen sketch