Mar 29, 2010

Animatic Rough

Since last i blogged, ive been working on my paint on glass idea for Experimental Animation. I wont say its been easy because it hasn't. Ive really struggled with the concept of experimental animation. My basic concept explores the idea of overcoming adversity. The following animatic is extremely basic and to say the timing and ending needs adjustment would be an understatement lol. I have come to the conclusion that my piece will be of a basic palette of colours. Not monochrome, but perhaps 2-3 colours, this is to avoid the paints overmixing and becoming like mud. I'm a little lost about the ending, and would like to know whether anyone can tell whats actually going on at all.....lemme know :) All criticisms gratefully accepted cos the paint on glass animation style doesnt allow for second chances in filming.Urgh the more i watch it the more i dont like it :( where does that leave me now?? keep going or start over??


  1. Painting on glass huh? Tough one. =D
    Loving this animatic, Nat.
    Personally, I think the idea of the 2-3 colours is perfect!

  2. thanks for sharing information. i like it your project.
