Sep 1, 2011

Toon Boom Tutorial- Flames

Ok, so just had a run through on how to achieve a funky looking cartoon flame effect complete with afterglow casting around it, so I'm going to write it all down before I forget. Going to be so useful for Draco animation to achieve atmosphere:

  • Create a basic flame cycle- can be 1-3 colours
  • Open network, drag the GLOW module onto the network. 
  • Place the GLOW in between the FIRE and the COMPOSITE module. 
  • Click on RENDER VIEW to check the changes made to the flame during the adjustment phase. 
  • In the network, click on the properties (yellow square) for GLOW module. 
  • Settings approximately, radial glow, 7 radius, use source colour
  • One adjusted if you find that the shape of the flames are lost, take another network connection from the FIRE module and connect it to the main COMPOSITE module on the left hand side. If you want to over-expose the effect keep taking new connectors from the FIRE to the main COMPOSITE. 
  • Open network, from module library choose TRANSPARENCY module. 
  • Create a connector from FIRE module to TRANSPARENCY (FIRE module now has two connectors from it, one to GLOW and one to TRANSPARENCY, these both separately join the main COMPOSITE), click on properties to adjust it, ensure you are in render view to check the adjustments. 
Glow of Fire on a Wall or Surrounds: 

  • Module Library, select and drag HIGHLIGHT module onto the network. 
  • Connect the HIGHLIGHT in between the BACKGROUND module and the main COMPOSITE module. 
  • Go to non render screen, create new layer on the timeline on top of background. 
  • Go to ELLIPSE tool, tool properties click on AUTO FILL option. 
  • Draw ELLIPSE around the flames. 
  • Open network, drag the ELLIPSE DRAWING module and put it into the HIGHLIGHT module. 
  • Open HIGHLIGHT properties, settings suggested: radial, 14-20, to change the colour click on the alpha bar in properties box. 
  • To animate the highlight on the wall, go to the layer where you drew the ELLIPSE and animate a cycle.

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